In the northern part of Gästrikland an especially constructed cabin is situated in the forest. From that cabin many species of birds and other animals can be watched during wintertime. This 9 window / photo opening hide, accommodating 4, is on a slight elevation and offers views in three directions.
Many bird species thrive in these pine woods with their large boulders, such as great spotted woodpecker, grey-headed woodpecker and black woodpecker. Besides Northern goshawk and Eurasian sparrowhawk you may even see a golden eagle or white-tailed eagle landing. A fox might sneak about and squirrels are often seen jumping around in the trees. Great tit, blue tit, raven, nuthatch, coal tit, treecreeper, crested tit, brambling, robin and willow tit are also regular guests. The dead wood and bird perches that surround the hide provide the perfect opportunity to observe and photograph the birds.
The hide has large bunk beds with pillows and blankets, and a basic toilet. A 200-500 mm lens is best suited for photography, but naturally simpler cameras are also good to go. Beanbags and clever tripod solutions are available. Isolating mats, a petroleum gas heater, reusable hand and feet warmers, waking bags and blankets are there to keep you warm.
You have a good chance to photograph and observe many bird species during the winter daylight hours.
Practical information
Period: The wildlife watching hide can be booked from 1 December to 1 March.
Time: In the morning you gather at a photo gallery. After a short car ride and a 400 meter walk the guide will make you feel at home in the hide, after which you are free to start your exciting observation during 5-7 daylight hours.
Meeting point: Järbo (Gästrikland), the exact location will be announced when booking.
Accessibility: This activity is suitable to anyone who can walk without problems. The walk to the hide is only 400 meters, but the forest floor is often uneven and consists of boulders in various places. A short climb to reach the hide at the end of the walk is necessary. Children of all ages are welcome, if accompanied by an adult.
Price: 1500 SEK / person, including: breakfast buffet, transport to and from the hide and a whole day in the hide. Use of: binoculars, warm slippers, reusable hand/feet warmers, waking bag and bird book (English + Swedish). Please ask by e-mail about our special family offers.
To bring along: Please bring your own winter shoes/boots, warm clothes and socks, camera and food and drinks for the duration of your stay in the hide. Try to avoid bringing noisy packaging (such as crisps bags). Repackage in boxes/canisters if necessary.
Booking: Contact me via e-mail sylvia@amazingscandinavia.com or by phone +46 (0)70 230 68 70
This activity takes place in the wild, meaning that although you will be visiting the location where these animals live, no guarantees can be given as to what you will get to see/photograph.